Sunday, April 8, 2012

Activity 1: Internet Scavenger Hunt

Using the Internet to Discover New and Exciting Knowledge of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses

See all activities: Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Activity 3 | Activity 4

Welcome to the world of Greek Mythology! Today you will take a tour of the World Wide Web to learn more about the twelve main gods and goddesses. You will be asked to answer seven question and then you will be expected to select one god or goddess and write a paragraph about who he or she was and what his or her accomplishments were. Follow the steps below to complete this activity.

1. Get a copy of the pre test question from your teacher and complete each answer to the best of your ability.
2. Review the questions that you just completed. Now we are ready to begin our Internet Journey of Greek Mythology.

3. Look at the questions on the guide sheet and answer them to the best of your ability.
Guide Sheet
4. Look at the remaining questions and then use any and all links below to help ou answer the questions on the guide sheet.

5. Follow this task to select your favorite god or goddess by writing an biography about one of them. This autobiography should be a minimum of one paragraph. The list of questions below should be considered when writing your paragraph. (Special Note: The links in step four may be helpful in completing this task.)

 What purpose did this god/goddess serve?
 What were the strengths of this god/goddess?
 What were the weaknesses of this god/goddess?
 What are some characteristics of this god/goddess?
 What did this god/goddess value most?

6. If there is time remaining, why don't you look up for some quizzes on the internet about Greek Mythology?

Activity 2: A Closer Look at the Minor Gods and Goddesses

Using the internet to discover and learn new information about the minor gods and goddesses and creating a collage

See all activities: Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Activity 3 | Activity 4

Alas! The Olympian gods and goddesses often overshadow some of the other deities found on Mount Olympus. Although they may not be in the spotlight as often as the other gods and goddesses, they still play a central role in Greek mythology and are no less important. In this activity, you will use the internet to research these minor deities, complete a scavenger hunt, and create a collage depicting the minor God or Goddess you find most interesting. Follow the steps below to complete this activity.

1. Review what you learned from Activity 1 about the major gods and goddesses.

2. Get a copy of the scavenger hunt questions you will need to answer from the teacher.
Scavenger Hunt Questions

3. Use the links below to answer the scavenger hunt questions to learn more about the minor gods and goddesses.

4. Once you have completed the internet scavenger hunt, decide which minor god or goddess you found most interesting.

5. On a piece of paper, brainstorm what this god or goddess is all about. Think about questions such as:
How is this god or goddess represented?
What would he or she like?
What would he or she dislike?
What does the god or godess value and think is most important?
Why do you find this god or goddess interesting?
How is this god or goddess important to society?

6. After brainstorming about a god or goddess, you will be creating a collage. Get collage materials from the teacher including, magazines, paper, scissors, and glue.

7. Create your collage! Be creative and use your ideas to show us the god or goddess you found interesting through your collage.

8. On the back of your collage, write a short rationale about why you choose each image to represent your god or goddess.

9. When your collage is completed, turn it in to your teacher and prepare to learn more about Greek mythology in Activity 3!

Activity 3: Exploring the Heroes

Using the internet to discover the Greek Heroes

See all activities: Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Activity 3 | Activity 4
A very important part of the Greek culture is the legendary heroes. Your task for this activity is to use the resources provided to explore the legendary heroes of the Greek culture. Use the guide sheet that your teacher will provide or print i from this page to help you focus your search. After you have completed the guide sheet, summarize what you have learned by creating a reflective paragraph about the Greek heroes.
Guide Sheet

Activity 4: Putting it All Together

Showing What You Have Learned by Playin g a Game and Creating Your Own God or Goddess

See all activities: Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Activity 3 | Activity 4

Wow! Great job investigating all the Greek gods, goddesses and heros! Now you should be an expert on this topic! To show what you have learned, you will compete in a game similar to Jeopardy. Following the game, you will have time to create your own god or goddess that you think should reign with the other gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus today. Follow the instructions below to complete this activity.

1. Play the game the teachers have prepared. Who is the top expert about Greek mythology!?!?
Jeapordy Questions
2. After the review game, think about the values of our society today and what we place the most emphasis on. Write these on a piece of paper.

3. Using the list you created in step 2, develop a god or goddess that you think exemplifies our society today. Answer questions about your god or goddess such as:
How is this god, goddess or hero you created good or bad to society?
What are some characteristics of this deity or person?
What are the intentions of this deity or person?
Describe the personality of this deity or person.
Explain the strengths of this deity or person.
Explain the weakness of this deity or person.
What do you want this deity or person to symbolize?
What type of job would this deity or person have in today’s society?

4. Create a rough draft of everything about this god or goddess. Remember to include a representation of what this deity might look like. If you need to review traits of the orginal gods and goddesses, visit the links listed below:

5. Share your rough draft with 2 other people for corrections and suggestions.

6. Create a final draft about your god or goddess and include a paragraph about why this new deity should reign with the other gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus.