To pacify the gods and goddesses, you will complete a series of activities. These activities will help you discover all the traditional gods, goddesses and heros of Greek mythology. Follow the steps below in sequential order to complete these activities.
Activity 1
The first step will be to investigate the main gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. To do so, you will need to complete Activity 1. Click on the Activity 1 link to complete Step 1 now!
Activity 2
After completing Activity 1 and learning about the main gods and goddesses, it is time to discover the lesser gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. Although these are not the main deities, they are no less important, and each play a critical role in mythology. Click on the Activity 2 link to complete Step 2 now!
Activity 3
Once activity 1 and 2 are completed, it is time to focus on another important part of Greek mythology. In Activity 3, you will explore the world of Greek heroes. Pay close attention to Hercules and his 12 tasks! Click on the Activity 3 link to complete Step 3 now!!
Activity 4
After all the hard investigating you have done, it is now time to show off what you have learned. In this step, you will compete in a game to show your knowledge to the gods and goddesses, as well as make a proposal for a new god or goddess to join the traditional deities on Mount Olympus. Click on the Activity 4 link to complete step 4 now!!